Screening Programme 2021

Screening Programme 2021




21:30 –



21:30 –


Obvious Offside

Sami Tlili


The Parrot Lady

Michalis Kalopaidis

The parrot lady' is inspired by a true story. The film works as an artistic interpretation of a woman's life who chose to live on the streets with her parrots, afraid of dying alone in her home. MORE

Wings of the Spirit

Albert Meisl

The failed Viennese musicologist Szabo works as an animal carer and house sitter for wealthy people. But when visited by his successful, younger ex-colleague Fitzthum, a rare parrot, which he should guard, escapes him. Szabo sees his already precarious life in shambles, but Fitzthum has a brilliant idea and together they go out in search of a doppelganger of the precious animal. MORE

Albatross – Reggetiko Project

Charalambos Charalambous

Short documentary about the experimental music collective Reggetiko Project and their encounter with Jazz legend Milcho Leviev. Members of the music ensemble and guest musician Milcho Leviev, discuss their connection to music and each other, as they complete their latest album, Albatross. The albatross is a symbol of perfect, effortless symbiosis with nature. Through their music, Reggetiko Project attempts to explore a symbiosis between themselves, resulting in effortless harmony. Like the albatross’ name, the music of Reggetiko Project is also multicultural in its origin, merging numerous traditions to create something entirely new. MORE

Mother Bunker

George Metaxas

Set during the robot-human war, a military robot – Mother – begins to self express by dressing in human drag and performing to a robot army. The short follows Mother, stationed in an underground bunker, as she prepares, performs, and reflects on her individuality. MORE

Madonna f64.0

Stavros Markoulakis

After an important surgery, Maria returns to her family home, in order to recover. Living with her mother, her sister and a newborn baby. While Maria’s body starts healing, a deeply hidden desire of hers surfaces. Maria wants to come close to the baby, and this creates a serious threat to the “safety” of the family home. MORE


Siiri Halko

Nesting is a story about Veikka (20), who is about to leave his work place, a construction site owned by Kari (50), to start a new life in the big city. Veikka thinks the goodbyes will go smoothly, but a rare situation appears: there’s a baby in the crane. The surprising problem is an annoyance at first, but in the end it allows communication between the employees in a way that has been difficult in the past. MORE


Kim Allamand

An 80 year old woman spends her time at a bus station. She's waiting for the right moment to leave this place forever. MORE


Ralantoaritsimba Nirina

For many years, Max, a young man full of ambition, has been dreaming of being accepted in a prestigious school of political sciences. The day before the interview, he plans to spend the night at his grandmother's house which is near where the oral exam will be taking place the next morning, thus hoping to be in the best mindset to succeed. But once he gets there, Max finds out his Grandma has decided to take her driver's license again… MORE


Dekel Berenson

Nestled between a beautiful lake and the Himalayas, Ashmina, 13, lives with her family at the outskirts of Pokhara Nepal, paragliding capital of the world. The remote and traditional town is also a busy tourist destination where the locals are profoundly affected by the swarms of tourists who visit it daily. Forced to skip school, Ashmina helps her family make ends meet by working at the landing field, packing the parachutes of foreign pilots in return of small change. MORE